Welcome to my personal blog

I’m an Atlanta, GA based software professional with over 20 years experience developing innovative software solutions to meet customers’ needs. Ever since high-school I’ve tinkered with different hardware, operating systems, and software. Always striving to find a better and more efficient way to work and play.

I’m currently spending as much time as I can with Amazon Web Services (AWS) for work and personal use. I migrated this website from a host I’ve had (still have!) since high-school, DreamHost (affiliate link, non-affiliate link). DreamHost offers a lot of options and competitive pricing, but I think I’ll benefit the most from all the different technologies AWS offers.

This site utilizes…

  • s3 - Stores website static data.
  • CloudFront - CDN, delivering the website from s3.
  • CloudFormation - Uses lambda to translate URLs for CloudFront.
  • AWS CLI - Push website to s3 as well as invalidate the CDN.
  • Hugo - Static site generator that made this website.


Of course all-things-tech (3D printing, VR, PC building, IoT) are at the top of my interests list, but outside of that I enjoy reading (check out my reading lists), cruising, cooking, yard work, and small engines. I’ve got two great kids (5 & 19).